Forum: La Femme 2

Subject: La femme Sneek Peak

JacquelineJ opened this issue on Sep 20, 2023 ยท 110 posts

shvrdavid posted Fri, 29 September 2023 at 10:00 AM

LF2 works in P11, 12, and 13. No idea what version of Poser you have, but she works and is available for all 3.

LaFemme2 Lite is in the purchases tab for download on all three recent versions of Poser.

It would be far better for you to try her than explain all of it, but again, I don't know what version of Poser you have.....

The only thing that doesn't work in your list, are morphs. The topology is different. 

There are differences in the way textures have to be set up to use LF1 eyes, lashes and brows on LF2, but you can get them to work with shader offsets and masks. The skin uv's (body, limbs, and torso) are identical.

Conforming clothing (which you didn't mention) has to be converted, and the Pro version comes with things to help with that as well.

If you don't have P11 or up, none of this really matters thou. I doubt she will work in older versions anyway.

I hope this helps.

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