Forum: La Femme 2

Subject: La femme Sneek Peak

JacquelineJ opened this issue on Sep 20, 2023 ยท 110 posts

randym77 posted Fri, 29 September 2023 at 11:51 AM

3Dream, if you have Poser 12 you should be set. LF2 comes with scripts (in the materials folder) that will convert LF1 eye and brow textures to LF2. The scripts don't work in Poser 11, but they do work in Poser 12 (and 13).

Though the RMP says you need the Pro version for the morph packs, Ohki (who made the morphs) said they'll work with the Lite version.

LF2 also comes with a LF1 morph and pose, that changes her shape and pose to LF1's, so you can use LF1's dynamic clothing on her.