Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: conforming clothing in the clothroom

RedPhantom opened this issue on Oct 14, 2023 ยท 14 posts

FVerbaas posted Mon, 16 October 2023 at 2:27 AM Forum Coordinator

Somewhere in the days of Poser 11 I made a script for this kind of 'post drape'. See description below. Not sure if it runs in the Python3 environment of Poser12 and later. It automates most of the steps, but in doing so it deprives the user of exact view of what is going on, so he may get lost. Solving that is beyond my Python fu so I did not bring it out commercially or as a freebie but made it accessible to who is interested.

My usual approach was to let the script rip the geometry from the conformer,  hide the conformer and let it set up and run the drape simulation.  From the results of that first run I tuned the simulation: make items that fall off during the soft or hard decoration, constrain areas that slip where they should not, and add any additional collision actors.

I found it useful also for fixing poke-thru on conformers that are skin-tight and normally should not need simulation. Thus a huge time saver for clothing for figures with a lot of JIM'S.

@RedPhantom: clever idea to use the fitting room 'spawn prop' function to turn a conformer into a prop.   

Anyway: here goes the description and downnload address of '1-2--DrapeIt: 


File Name:
1-2 DrapeIt-w.txt.defanged

A tool to post-drape a conforming garment. The geometry of the posed conformer is copied into a welded prop, which is then draped for 10 frames in the cloth room. The original conformer remains avaialble but is made invisible. If you do not like the result of the drape, delete the prop and the simulation that was made, and switch the original conformer back on visible.
It aims to combine the advantages of conforming and dynamic workflows:
1 - the 'rough' shaping is done as a conformer.
2 - The dynamic phase solves poke-thru and takes away some of the 'stiffness' often seen in conforming clothing. Because the drape phase solves poke-thru in many cases the conformer rig can be rather primitive and does not need the labour intensive JCM's. Installation: - download and change extension from .txt to .py
Usage: Conform clothing to figure and pose. Make sure body of conformer is selected and then run the script. (via File|run Python Script in te menu) I used it successfully to drape V3 and V4 conformers on LaFemme and on PE.

Note 1 :The welding process welds only seams between groups that were made in the grouping process in Poser. It does not solve structural mismatch as may exist in conformers. You may need to refine details as hard or soft decoration. Note also that confomer geometry may not be designed for draping and you may need to provide 'anchors' via choreographed and constrained groups.
Note 2: This is not a final product. Carrying it that far would be outside my possibilities. I made it as an experiment/proof of concept. I offered it to Renderosity for inclusion in or to be used as inspiration for Poser 12. Feel free to experiment and use for your own purposes. If you see possibilities to improve it feel free and let me know. A copy would be appreciated. Do not re-distribute my work without my consent.

Link for download:  1-2 DrapeIt_beta