Forum: Writers

Subject: Submit a 2-Line Christmas story.

Wolfenshire opened this issue on Oct 31, 2023 ยท 47 posts

Wolfenshire posted Tue, 31 October 2023 at 3:44 PM Site Admin

I like presents.
Especially when I'm getting them.

I don't know why my parents gave my brother presents.
They could have cut out the middleman and just gave them straight to me.

Don't try to trick me with squishy presents.
I know they're just socks.

Every kid knows the truth.
Christmas is just hide and seek with prizes.

Finding a present from Grandma was terrifying.
You know it's going to be something that if you wore it, you'd get beat-up.

Famous last words at Christmas.
Thanks for the lawn darts, dad.

When you find the long skinny box, you start chanting.
Please be a BB gun, Please be a BB gun.

Wolfenshire, Moderator/Community Leader