Forum: Poser 13

Subject: POSER to AI - OMG !

qaz opened this issue on Jan 15, 2024 ยท 56 posts

qaz posted Mon, 15 January 2024 at 4:27 PM

Now the AI does change the image with descriptive text. This is the descriptive text for the above:

"A 3D rendering of a woman in a blue and red superhero costume with a cape, yellow belt, and blue shorts. She has blue eyes, blonde hair, and is wearing a blue top with a red \"S\" on her chest. She appears to be flying and has her arms outstretched."

The AI came up with that description. Genius. I couldn't describe it that well. You use Poser for - yes you guessed it POSING figures and the AI says, are you happy with those skin textures, those clothes, let me see what I can do.