Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Bubble shoulder

RedPhantom opened this issue on Feb 15, 2024 ยท 15 posts

AmbientShade posted Fri, 16 February 2024 at 9:59 AM

Wow, it's no wonder there weren't many jcms added to clothing back in the day. Reminds me of a saying my papaw had about elbows and orifices.

The simple way I had it set up (like with most poser native figures) was working fine but it wasn't displaying the graph for the keyed dependencies so there was no way to control the strength through the bend that I could find.

It's been a long time since I made anything for M4 and I'd forgotten how convoluted it can get.

Thanks for describing all that.

It's not this complicated to set up a simple jcm for a normal Poser figure (which is why I said in my initial reply that it's simple). You just create the morph, go to the figure's limb you want to control the morph, edit dependencies, start teaching, set limb at max angle, morph at 1, limb at 0, morph at 0, stop teaching, done.