Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Bubble shoulder

RedPhantom opened this issue on Feb 15, 2024 ยท 15 posts

AmbientShade posted Fri, 16 February 2024 at 12:08 PM

It's not hijacking, this info needs to be made available for people who want to create for Poser, regardless of how unconventional it might be.

I haven't gone to that level of experimenting yet but it's always interesting to learn other ways of doing things.

For this instance the goal was to create a simple jcm. For a standard Poser figure the channel doesn't need to exist in the figure, just in the clothing. If the clothing isn't there then there's no sign of the jcm in the figure. So if you want to create a jcm in a shirt sleeve that may not exist in other shirt sleeves for the same figure, just create it in that shirt, and when it is conformed to the figure that figure's arm will control it. It is most likely better to have the name of the jcm in the clothing correspond to the name of the jcm in the figure but I don't think this is mandatory outside of daz figures. So far I haven't found any issues with doing it this way but I won't say there aren't any, I just know it's the most basic way to get started down the rabbit hole of jcms.

Maybe with threads like this more folks who know more advanced methods will contribute.