Forum: Suggestion Box

Subject: Request for A Poll

Giana opened this issue on Feb 14, 2024 ยท 10 posts

Byrdie posted Sat, 17 February 2024 at 1:39 PM

What gallery policies are we talking about? Have there been any changes since the "No purely AI images allowed and anything that has AI components as part of the workflow must have production notes when posting to be acceptable" rule went into effect? I do know there was a big problem with flooding that was attributed mainly to AI users but shouldn't that have gotten better now since those of us who use it along with other tools like Daz/Poser, cameras, paints, pencils, etc. are all doing our very best to keep within the new regs? Must admit, it's been awhile since I've posted anything -- my busiest time was leading up to Christmas -- but still it was just one render a day and not necessarily every day. So I may not be up to date with current issues and would very much like to be enlightened as to what's going on and what the new concerns are. Because when I do finally have something I consider good enough to want to post it to the gallery, I'd really rather not also accidentally commit an act of rule-breaking stupid. 

Thanks. :-)