Forum: Suggestion Box

Subject: Request for A Poll

Giana opened this issue on Feb 14, 2024 ยท 10 posts

DeeceyArt posted Sat, 17 February 2024 at 7:21 PM

>>>> surely some kind of compromise can be made.

It's not only the number of posts that are at issue, or whether or not there is AI in it. I actually enjoy a handful of the AI artists here.

HOWEVER, I'd also appreciate the ability to "unfollow"  gallery posts by users I don't want to follow.  You can "block" forum posts, I can't see how it would be much more difficult to "block" gallery posts, and the user doesn't have to know that their images aren't being viewed.  THAT seems to be the most equitable solution. Let viewers have the choice of what they do or don't want to view.