Here's a step by step on using the cloth room.
1 load figure
2 move to frame fifteen. If it’s an extreme pose with lots of movement, you might want to use a higher frame.
3 Pose and morph figure.
4 check to make sure no body parts are intersecting with other body parts. Do this for every frame.
5 If your figure is sitting or leaning on something, make sure that isn’t intersecting with the figure too.
6 load clothing
7 open cloth room
8 click on new simulation
9 Name your simulation. This is optional but it’s a good idea to get into the habit of doing if you are using more than one piece of dynamic clothing
10 check any or all of the Additional cloth collision options you want. I usually do all of them for the best draping.
11 hit okay
12 hit clothify
13 select the piece of clothing you want to drape and hit the clothify button. (tip. If you have the clothing selected in the scene already, it will suggest it and you can just hit clothify)
14 click collide against
15 hit add remove
16 select your figure and anything else you want to collide with the clothing such as the floor for long dresses or a chair
17 uncheck any parented props that you don’t want colliding with your clothing. And uncheck the hair. Poser will try to put the clothing outside the hair.
18 hit okay
19 you may want to lower the collision offset and the collision depth. These tell how far away from the figure the clothing sits. I usually put mine at 0.1 but many find that too extreme. It’s a matter of preference.
20 hit calculate simulation.
21 wait. Depending on your computer and how high poly the clothing is, this may take a while.
22 if you want to repose your figure, repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 20
I'll try to post some tips and troubleshooting later but family may need my attention today so it may take a while
As hborre said, if you are having specific problems, ask so we can address that
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I use Poser 13 and win 10