Forum: Contest Announcements

Subject: Writers Contest

Deenamic opened this issue on Apr 02, 2024 ยท 7 posts

Byrdie posted Tue, 02 April 2024 at 8:00 PM

Sounds interesting. Going over the rules now, I understand an image must be submitted and our story is written as the image description, yes? And of course it must be TOS compliant and unsigned for the judging. I assume it is fairly obvious that the words must be entirely the author's own and not ChatGPT's or whatever but as I do mixed medium art which sometimes includes AI assisted/postworked images, I am uncertain if that part is allowed in this contest or not. Also about the no violence rule: would that mean space battle scenes and/or the mention of such, or the hero getting the drop on the bad guy -- things of that nature -- are out of bounds? Or would such be okay as long as it's not explicitly described or illustrated violence? And is droid whacking and/or evil demon alien supernatural monster bashing allowed as long as it stays within the TOS? Got plenty of ideas and a few things in mind already, I just wanna make sure where the lines are before I commit to anything. Thanks!