Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: More and More Vendors Leaving Rendo

gohanf22 opened this issue on Apr 15, 2024 ยท 12 posts

DeeceyArt posted Mon, 15 April 2024 at 5:46 PM

gohanf22 posted at 4:12 PM Mon, 15 April 2024 - #4483633

DeeceyArt posted at 3:35 PM Mon, 15 April 2024 - #4483631

I'm confused. What does a shirt sold at DAZ have to do with politics or vendors leaving Rendo?

Its not rendo, its DAZ itself.

EDIT:  Sorry should've clarified.  Its not on renderosity.  Its DAZ's stance on "things".

But the title of this thread mentions "many vendors that are leaving Rendo."  That doesn't have anything to do with what you wrote about in your post, hence the confusion.