Forum: New Poser Users Help

Subject: is there converter l'homme 1 to l'homme 2?

drawn opened this issue on Apr 18, 2024 ยท 20 posts

DeeceyArt posted Fri, 19 April 2024 at 4:53 PM

drawn posted at 2:39 PM Fri, 19 April 2024 - #4483804

ok, good folks, I realize the truth of what you say: I started a notebook. but I thot the hat is for conforming> the figure is for dynamic?


Nope, the opposite.  Look at the icons in the top row of the Library palette and hover over them. The first icon (for the character library) is a PERSON.  The library thumbnail for conforming figures also has a little person on it. Think of it this way. A base figure (the "person" icon) is a character. Characters are made up of different bones or body parts that are poseable. In order for conforming clothing to work, it must have exactly the same body parts, bones, and bone positions that the base figure does. This is the main reason that conforming clothing only works on the figure that it was created for unless it is converted with a third party utility.

 That's the basic difference.  Does it have bones? If yes, it's conforming. If no, it's a prop. 

Now ... hover over the HAT icon above the library, and you'll see the word "Props" appear. Until fairly recently, clothing that appeared in the Props library was primarily dynamic clothing or other props like hats or jewelry or other things that don't need bones to pose them. Some props like hats and bracelets and such only need to be positioned properly and then "attached" to the figure with the Object > Change Parent command. Other props, like clothing and dresses that don't have bones, will need to be attached with the Object > Change Parent command and then simulated in the cloth room to flow properly. It should be obvious that the "Cozy Dress" shown as a prop in the library will need to be simulated in the cloth room.