Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: Distorted Wardrobe items

DocPhoton opened this issue on May 01, 2024 ยท 15 posts

DocPhoton posted Sat, 04 May 2024 at 1:29 AM

I want/need to explore better hair surfacing in LW. It's adequate, but ... Another area where Daz excels, but that's mostly translating their surfacing system.

Something a clever coder could probably make a few scheckels writing. ;)

See, no matter what format one exports to out of Daz, whether it be FBX or OBJ, you only get the basic maps, the diffusion, maybe the bump or rough. Generally only two.So no Normals, etc.  It's the export format that's the limiter. Same issue with KitBash product, etc.

Don't know about the Daz to Blender Bridge with surfaces & how it handles it.

So, it's up to you to first find, then re-surface for other than those Standard basic textures, i.e. PBR. Took me awhile to get the workflow, but what the hey.

Meanwhile, I got to put some things into practice a little sooner that I thought.

I picked up recently.

I had the character Saffire for awhile, but just couldn't find the right wardrobe.

Anyway, the wardrobe is quite classic & period looking..., until you get to the feet.

What's with the Oh So Anachronistic High-Heel Shoes, eh?

But this isn't about fashion choices but rather applying a pose that also bakes the transformations. One of my knowledge gap areas; the Bake to Transforms. Question for another thread though.

I could reset the feet, but then shoes become quite goobered (technical term) for a number of reasons.

I didn't like the "shoes" anyway, but did like the lacings.  And it came too me afterwards of course, a simpler way of doing things, but so it goes.

Multiple ways of extracting the upper dermal of a feline, don't cha know?

I've had one of the Boho outfit items for some time that had the Sandals.

So, Zippity Zoppity, something a lot more in line with what it should be.