Forum: Challenge Arena

Subject: Challenge Arena Forum Carnival Booth

Wolfenshire opened this issue on May 28, 2024 ยท 48 posts

3dcheapskate posted Tue, 04 June 2024 at 5:37 AM Online Now!

MajinBoo  I'm currently at a loss to come up with a genuine superpower that's as useless as that of The Hover - that's absolutely inspired, I take my hat off to you ! :oD

Hmmm... I've just realized that there's nothing in the rules to indicate that an image is required, so...

T h e   T i m e   R u n n e r

Timmy Traveller, aka The Time Runner, has the superpower of travelling into the future by running fast. If he runs fast for thirty seconds he can travel thirty seconds into the future.

But rather strangely, if he sits in front of the TV for thirty seconds he actually travels half an hour into the future...

The 3Dcheapskate* occasionally posts sensible stuff. Usually by accident.

*also available in ShareCG, DAZ, and CGBytes flavours.