Forum: Challenge Arena

Subject: Challenge Arena Forum Carnival Booth

Wolfenshire opened this issue on May 28, 2024 ยท 48 posts

3dcheapskate posted Sat, 08 June 2024 at 2:16 AM Online Now!

I ran into Timmy Traveller (aka The Time Runner) very early this morning while I was walking across the empty town square. I hadn't seen him approaching but he bumped into me, literally, and said "I did indeed! I did indeed!". He'd somehow snuck up on me from behind and bodychecked me, but as I turned to confront him he was already running away. He was running quite fast, and he was running forwards, but he was running rather strangely. The movement of his legs was rather, well, wonky is probably the best word I can use to describe it. His gaze was constantly directed over his shoulder, occasionally switching to look over the other shoulder, and even though he was paying no attention to where he was going he negotiated the kerbs with ease. He was also leaning backwards in an impossibly unbalanced manner. He ran like this in a large loop around the town square and ended up standing in front of me looking rather confused, wobbling around, glancing here and there with a puzzled expression on his face

"Did you just run backwards in time?" I asked him, at which point there was a loud 'thwack' sound and he collapsed on the ground in a limp heap.

I helped him back to my lodgings where a glass of whisky helped bring him back to his senses. He then explained that running backwards in time was easy, but it was when he stopped that things got difficult. The act of running backwards in time apparently forced him into a timeline where, once time resumed its normal progression, he had no choice but to do the running backwards in time that he'd just done, but in reverse. The best analogy he could come up with was if two bungee ropes wer stretched in equal and opposite directions and released simultaneously - the moment that he starts to run backwards in time is the moment that the bungee ropes thwack into each other, and him.

The 3Dcheapskate* occasionally posts sensible stuff. Usually by accident.

*also available in ShareCG, DAZ, and CGBytes flavours.