Forum: Challenge Arena

Subject: Challenge Arena Forum Carnival Booth

Wolfenshire opened this issue on May 28, 2024 ยท 48 posts

PinkCloudSlippers posted Mon, 10 June 2024 at 9:53 PM Online Now!

- 2024 Monarch Magnet Aka Magnetic Mess PaiThan V01

There once was a Monarch who aspired to become a superhero.

He concocted a super-expensive pill exclusively for his own use, 

aiming to transform himself into a human magnet. Being a monarch, 

he already possessed a cape! Therefore, all he required was a cool name. 

Thus, he dubbed himself: Monarch Magnet! However, unlike his favorite comic book character,

 he couldn't control the power. Soon, he gained notoriety as: Magnetic Mess!

** According to the TOS no blood nor bloody mess:)