Forum: Community Center

Subject: Gallery Block Button

Wolfenshire opened this issue on Jun 04, 2024 ยท 32 posts

Byrdie posted Sun, 16 June 2024 at 3:50 PM

Not having it in a separate gallery any longer is, I think, a big part of the problem. Because now it's scattered everywhere, making it harder to avoid for those that don't want it whereas before all they had to do was just not visit that section. Most of us who work with AI play by the rules and never post unaltered renders or any unlabeled stuff -- I know I'm always particular about accurate and detailed production notes -- but some folks who by now ought to know better don't bother. So for now blocking the artists is all you can do if you see anything, AI or otherwise, you don't like. The downside, of course, is that doing so blocks EVERYTHING by that particular artist, not just styles or subjects you don't have any interest in. Not a perfect solution, but better than having no block at all.