Forum: Community Center

Subject: Gallery Block Button

Wolfenshire opened this issue on Jun 04, 2024 · 35 posts

WendyLuvsCatz posted Tue, 02 July 2024 at 3:48 AM

lauraguo posted at 10:55 AM Mon, 1 July 2024 - #4486932

FirstBastion posted at 6:48 AM Sat, 29 June 2024 - #4486843

Quick question.  Will the artists know they have been filtered? 

Nope, they aren't notified or anything like that.

The only way they'd know is if you told them.

since some of the ones I have, have long blocked me on this forum, that is somewhat unnecessary 🤣

YouTube Channel

Dreaming Kitty Channel

Tom R. Toe

My ArtyFarty AI channel