Looks good, thanks for posting, and glad it's working. For ease of reading, here's the formatted script...
# Batch render sets of PNG animation sequences, from many Poser .PZ3 scene files
import os
import poser
import time
# Directory containing the .PZ3 files
selected_directory = r"C:\Path\To\Your\Files"
# Find and process all .PZ3 files in the directory
pz3_files = [f for f in os.listdir(selected_directory) if f.lower().endswith('.pz3')]
if not pz3_files:
print("No PZ3 files found in the directory.")
for pz3_file in pz3_files:
pz3_path = os.path.join(selected_directory, pz3_file)
# Open the .PZ3 file
print(f"Attempting to open {pz3_path}")
time.sleep(2) # Wait to ensure document loads fully, may need ajustment for big scene files
# Access the currently open Poser scene
scene = poser.Scene()
if scene is None:
print(f"Warning: No scene found after opening {pz3_path}")
print(f"Successfully accessed {pz3_path}")
# Set render engine to Preview using SetCurrentRenderEngine
print("Render engine set to Preview.")
# Set display style to Texture Shaded
scene.SetDisplayStyle(10) # 10 is Texture Shaded
print(f"Display style set to Texture Shaded for {pz3_file}.")
# Determine output path and base filename
base_name, _ = os.path.splitext(pz3_file)
output_folder = os.path.dirname(pz3_path)
# Render each frame in the animation sequence to PNG
num_frames = scene.NumFrames()
for frame in range(num_frames):
scene.SetFrame(frame) # Set the current frame
output_filename = f"{base_name}_{frame+1:04d}.png" # e.g., filename_0001.png
output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, output_filename)
# Render the frame to the specified output path
scene.SaveImage("png", output_path)
print(f"Rendered frame {frame+1} to {output_path}")
# Close the document without saving
print(f"Successfully closed {pz3_file}\n")
except AttributeError as attr_err:
print(f"Attribute error while processing {pz3_file}: {attr_err}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Unexpected error while processing {pz3_file}: {e}")