Jin_Yindao posted at 4:04 PM Sat, 21 December 2024 -
#2990414I cannot find the keyboard or mouse shortcuts for panning the camera. Can someone tell me what they are? I have all the rest set.
idk if animation is your thing, but in my experience here are a few tips on how to speed up your navigation in general:
- disabled middle mouse scroll in Preferences (its too easy to mess up the camera on accident when enabled, which is a big sad for animators)
- recommend sticking to Dolly Cam (its the best for film stuff as its the only cam with itself as the center point"
- disabled undo and animation in Properties for all cams except for Dolly Cam so you can use them as your work/eding views without getting unwanted keyframes and undo steps
- Rotate: Alt + Left Click
- Pan: Spacebar + Left Click
- Roll: Ctrl + Alt + Left Click
- Zoom: Ctrl + Spacebar
Note: You can switch Spacebar's function between Zoom and Pan by pressing T or Z to switch between the Editing Tools.
- Press Z for the Translate In/Out tool to Cause Spacebar to Zoom instead of Pan.
- Press T for the Translate Pull tool to cause Spacebar to Pan
(sometimes its quicker if you want to do it that way)
It helps to memorize the hotkeys to switch to your most used cameras:
Main Cam: Ctrl+M
Dolly Cam: Ctrl+/
Pose Cam: Ctrl+,
Left Cam: Ctrl+;
Right Cam: Ctrl+'
Face Cam: Ctrl+=
Right Hand Cam: Ctrl+[
Left Hand: Ctrl+]
(these and others are all shown in the Display Sub menu)
You can quickly select your camera to make it the active object by press 3 (above the letter keys, not on the NumPad)
Note: There is a life-long bug that exists where pressing 3 sometimes wont work, but if you quickly press 1 or 2, then 3, it usually works.
Also, if using Dolly Cam, I highly recommend adjusting the sensitivity for the Pan, Pitch and Roll dials (double click them) and set it to 0.1, because the default 1.0 is a bit extreme.
Would also recommend setting the Yon to maximum (i think its 10000, but if you just activate the value text field and hold 9 (till is shows like 9999999999999999) and hit enter it will automatically change it to the max value so you don't have to type it)
Also after making all of the above changes to cameras I would recommend pressing Ctrl+Alt+H on each Camera object in order to save that as the new default. And save your preferences so you don't have to do this every time.
Being able to navigate fast in Poser is crucial. Again, these are just preferences, but when we worked on RWBY and Red vs Blue in Poser we would set it up this way for the entire team so they could work muck quicker as animators. It can save a lot of frustration.
My most recent Poser animation:
Previs Dummies 2