Hi!! :) Gloria, who has made Serges textures is not avail at the moment, - but I'm sure that she would have said the same thing.... Being a newbie to Poser myself, - but also so lucky that I've been fortunate to "dress" Serges latest model with some of my textures, I might have some advices for you. All the textures that I use are "made by Britt". That means that every color.. every pattern is made in some sort of graphical program. Uhm... I've several! *laughing* I guess that's a passion. I make some details in the Corel suit and some other little utility programs. What ever floats the boat and gives the "touch" that I'm after. Then I'll normally pull the texture into either Photoshop or Corel Photopaint and do some touch ups. You need to have your texture "offset", so use a filter that will make the texture "seamless" and if you don't get it "right", make the touch ups in the graphical program. I'm such a newbie to Poser that I don't know anything about correct lights etc. So I sent Serge my textures as they were. :) And Posette didn't have hair, - cause any of the hair-do's I found would be an insult to the 1700's fasion. I'm trying to make a time-right peruke... :) But I still have a LOOOONg way to go till I become a sculpturer, like Serge is. But I SO do agree with you.. I'm searching the net to find time - right textiles to "any" historice time frame. In a sense I think we "owe" that to the history. And Gloria is doing such a wonderful job! :) Britt