Ok, a few more notes. Steve, even though I'm not totaly convinced quite yet I'll shed some light (some problems) on creating an Avatar with Poser Pro Pack Viewpoint plugin. Here is what I get when "Exporting" a Viewpoint model from Poser Pro Pack. As you can see, the joints in the shoulders are extreamly unpleasent. And where the BLUE skin tone is coming from I have NO idea. But other than that, the resulting mesh is pretty good. Notice the detail in the tee shirt (it seems to have kept the edge/trim detail. BTW, this was created with the default plugin settings. NOTE: Plugin seems to not allow you to change the geometry setting on the MAC. Remains 80. The output is fairly small (around 288k for the .mts and 104k for the .mtx) but I don't know how that'll fair in Atmosphere. SO what I'm saying ...Is if one wants to create an Avatar, I'm sure that Avatar Lab would eliminate these problems and you'd end up with a better end result. So points for AL, 1/2 a point for PPP. While PPP (Poser Pro Pack) will allow you to export the nessassary .mtx and .mts files (and I even imported them into Atmosphere), I'm sure they're not as optimized as they would be if done in AL. So there you have it. I hope that Curious Labs/ViewPoint will fix these little bugs in the plugin and I do see why I'd rather do it in AL. AL must have these bugs worked out? But that still leaves the question of ... Can I use my textures from Poser in AL. I"ve made some great textures for Mike and Vicky and would love to use them. They took a long time and what a plus to be able to use them in AL. But I doubt it since it seems that AL will use completely different meshes. Thanks agin for letting me Kvetch ;-) James