Ok peoples, I've gone and done it.... I published my first test world. It is FAR from being done, but I thought I'd test it out on the net to see how slow it loads. Well, as I feared ... (I always have to have detail) it's not impossible, but it does indeed take a little time to load all the pics. But what fun it was making it. The plan is to have an entire house as a world. Since I love having people over and I love going over to people homes. What better world to do than a fantasy home. I've only done the Foyer. And that was a time to get done. And since there are no ather rooms, if you go through any of the doors you'll fall to a big empty floor below. Took me awhile to figure out how to climb back up such steep stairs ;-). I put it there because I kept falling off the world as I was making it. Anyway, go take a looksie. Type: /goto http://jnjgraphics.net/worlds/victorian/victorian.aer in the Chat bar. Tell me what you think. And remember, this is just a first try and I have so much more to do on this. And also it is done completely with Atmos primitives. I found that importing a VET kept crashing the file. I still have to figure out how to embed it into an HTML page or such. And I still have soooooo many questions to ask. And I wish that my Avatar anims would work. The only one is the "Stand" anim. No "Walk", nothing else. Well, that's all for now. James