another shot. details: made it with poser, anim8or, uvmapper (i was having a love affair with uvmapper last month, this month i'm in a love triangle: anim8or) ... and ps for that awful sample texture i knocked up... didn't have time last night to make a real tex and trans, i got some sleep!!! :D it weighed in a 700kb, about 6500 facets according to uvmapper, if i recall correctly (it's at home, i can't see it now) this took me one night (about 5 hours) but only cos i spent about 8 hours on the first model, which totally sucks and i won't be showing it here, haha. it will take me a few more nights to give it morphs and stuff. so much fun! :)
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a sweet disorder in the dress kindles in clothes a wantoness,
do more bewitch me than when art is too precise in every part