MayaX-Artist who made Maria, Ripely uses both the testures from Maria and the morph nfreadman- Artist who made Cupids Bow for Vicky-Ripely uses the cupids bow morph Ripely also uses Vicky 2.0 by DAZ Ripely uses the Milly kid older kira morph by DAZ Riply uses the head morph form Alice from the store by Handspan Studios & Thornworks. OH MY I see the difference already, She looks good now, Got any more Ideas, You guys are really making her come together, I would never have known the cupid morph would be such a big fix had I not been steered in that direction, thanks. Thank You Duanemoody for figuring out the eye problem and giving me the suggestion that sent me in the right direction for the eyes. Thank You Little Dragon,Kieraw and Pendarian for helping with the motuh problem and finding the correct morph target. Thanks everyone else for being here and giving comments I appreciate it.