image refer to * below when it comes down to detailed hair on closeups, smudge, dodge and burn are usually not as good as painting strand by strand. but at the size you have above, it should be okay. but however you did the above, it's looking fine, you just need to refine it more: - it looks more natural in standing poses if the hair is not in front of the shoulders on both sides. put one of the sides behind her, and hair swept from the face looks nice. ;) - the shape of the top could use some part definition. - need more highlights and dark areas, the way i do it is: with one or two pixel brush, set to (approximately) about 50% hardness, 10% opacity, dodge and burn some strands, not too many, just dodge some strands where the highlights will fall, and burn some strands where the shadows will fall. then increase the brush (approximately) size to 20 and hardness to 20% and opacity to 5% and go over the strand highlights with more dodge, and burn the shadow strands. - if you like, you could use the brush size fading to get wisps that get thinner towards the ends. uploaded pic to illustrate that * - not the best one i have but it's the only one available at the mo.
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a sweet disorder in the dress kindles in clothes a wantoness,
do more bewitch me than when art is too precise in every part