Hahaha. I envision a purple lamp. You know I wanted something like that but it was a space ship! ( Seee us martians are nicke people. BUT WE NEED WEOMEN! ) I really meant to get a picture of the lamp I was taking about. I guess I'll have to hurry before this thread dies! Jordy-There is something wrong with you. You always save the scarves for last! Then with trembling hands remove them. You gaze deeply at the round BULBS and comment. Seriously do they cover lamps with scarves there? Over here they cover them with plastic. That's plastic on the outside. Now I cant resist. Hey Scenterotic and Antoonio can I "borrow" you lamp photos. I'll see what I can do with 'em. By the way mine's white with a longer neck and a flat head! I bought mine from Ikea too! Bsteph