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Renderosity Forums / Animation

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Animation F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Nov 13 3:03 pm)

In here we will dicuss everything that moves.

Characters, motion graphics, props, particles... everything that moves!
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Subject: Animation Gallery Good Idea or Poor Idea?

Deimos ( ) posted Thu, 03 January 2002 at 8:12 PM · edited Thu, 19 December 2024 at 5:23 AM

Hi I am thinking of putting up an animation gallery at my site I am thinking of keeping an archive of animations and having a rotating set of 3 up at any time. It maybe 3 per week or month depending on how many animations I gather. I intend to include my work (not for some time as it is in development) but also intended to show others work. I would want CG animations with a story or joke in them, and nothing that would be inapropriate for both an adult and young audiance. I was wondering if you think this Idea would fly and if any of you might have some possible sumbissions? Thanks, Deimos

Little_Dragon ( ) posted Fri, 04 January 2002 at 2:16 AM

I have nothing worth posting yet, but am curious as to how much storage and bandwidth you are playing with.

gregsin ( ) posted Fri, 04 January 2002 at 10:07 AM

I think it would be great, but I think you would have to have lots of storage and bandwidth also. Good luck. greg

doozy ( ) posted Fri, 04 January 2002 at 7:21 PM

There are proposals like this every few months here it seems to me, but so far none of them has actually appeared... If it gets going, I might have a submission.

Deimos ( ) posted Sat, 05 January 2002 at 1:32 PM

Thanks for your responce. I think its a good Idea, but there are some diffiuclties to over come Bandwidth and Storage, which my providor has told me should not be a problem. Gettering the ritghts to display and the animations and the animations, a lot of admin work, and a lot webdesign and such. The largest problem I forsee is finding the time to do it. But I will keep you posted on my progress. Thanks for the comment doozy. I will search through the threads and see what I can learn from the others who have tried this before me. It may be premature for a site like this; in that it is possible not enough people have high speed connections yet. Thanks every one for your responces.

ekeller ( ) posted Thu, 17 January 2002 at 8:56 PM

Here's something that really helps with the bandwidth and storage problem - RealPlayer encoding. While I dislike RealPlayer's pushiness as much as anyone, I do think they have truly outstanding web-level video compression. I need just about a megabyte for one minute's worth of animation. I save the Poser animation as an uncompressed avi, load it into Premiere 6, add background if any, and output it as a RealPlayer file with the free plugin that came with Premiere 6. There may be cheaper or freeware solutions also, but I haven't looked into them. And good luck on getting an animation forum up. I think it's a great idea.

ynsaen ( ) posted Tue, 22 January 2002 at 11:19 PM

I've created several webservers specifically for this purpose -- feeding multimedia presnetations in streaming or downloadable format over the internet. Your agreement with your host for your site will determine the limitations of bandwidth and storage, but ekeller is correct. RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, and (soon, from what I hear) Winamp/Shout are three excellent methods for very, very small file size. Quality level is about the same for all of them, with the sole exception being Quicktime streaming format -- but it does require larger files. My recommendation, if this is a hosted site and not one you serve yourself, is to allow your uploaders to do so with restricitions on file size, and select one of the formats and stick to it. Truthfully, it doesn't wmatter which one you use -- everybody has a favorite, but they all work pretty much the same. Once you've settled on the file size and such, then get the appropriate server uploaded and setup on your host's system (benefit to winmedia is that you don't need a server, though rp8 now has similar feature) and go. good luck

thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)

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