Thanks everyone for you inputs ! You have given me some really great ideas to go on. I think I can handle the different makeups(no makeup,fantasy,sci-fi,warrior) skin tones, tattoos, lips, eyes, face morphs, scars (yikes !), eyes ( glint and no glint) etc. The toughest part to deal with would be different eybrows without using a preset transparency and only a MAT file. The Image above shows what I've come up with to solve this. Original texture is on the top left. The top right is a modified (browless) original texture with an 88K file size brow template applied. This could be made available through a MAT pose, or the material editor. Bottom image is Vicky with the template applied. Erasing the brows screwed up te original texture, and I it left some nasty artifacts. I think if this template were used on a clean texture, it would work as advertised. You could have brows in different positions, color, and type. Would this type of brow thing work better for you? BTW, with a browless head texture, you could still use your favorite brow transparency :)