- Modify your "newface.fc2" file and save it. 2. Find and DELETE the "newface.rsr" file. 3. Open Poser and open library "faces" 4. Look for "newface" - you should see "funny little guy" 5. Load the "newface" - click on "checkmark" 6. Adjust the Poser window to get the thumbnail you want to see in the library. 7. "Save "newface" to the library - click the plus(+) sign. 8. Change libraries to anything except "faces." 9. Change libraries to "faces" - this causes Poser to re-load the faces library. 10. Look for "newface" - it should have the updated thumbnail and contain the updated information from your edited .fc2 file. If this doesn't work, I'm lost! cheers, dr geep ;=]
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019