Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Free Download

Uzilite opened this issue on Feb 14, 2002 ยท 87 posts

AprilYSH posted Fri, 15 February 2002 at 9:16 PM

*My experience is this.

1.) I don't follow all the drama of all the freebies.*

So then you have no evidence? You just have this belief of freestuff giving abusers in your mind that has come to be real for you because you have repeated it often enough?

2.) I don't keep track of names.

So then you have no evidence? You just have this belief of freestuff giving abusers in your mind that has come to be real for you because you have repeated it often enough?

3.) Every day, at least once a day, or twice or more, someone comes off saying how ungrateful and abusive the receivers of their GIFTS are.

WHERE has this happened BEFORE that freestuff giver was abused? Give an example of someone being that way BEFORE they were abused? All the complaints we have thus far seen are freestuff givers who are only DEFENDING themselves and voicing hurt feelings AFTER they were abused by people taking their freestuff items.

*4.) I read stuff like
"Well if they don't want to look at Flash animations, tough! It's Free!"

"If they don't want to look at nudes, then they don't need to get my freebies."*

This is a fact. When you take something offered, you get the whole parcel as is. You cannot dictate HOW it is offered. "This is me, this is my item which I wish to share with you." What do you find wrong with that???

*"I don't respect anyone who objects to nudes."

"You can kiss my ass."*

If you can not give evidence of this attitude, those are words from YOUR OWN MIND. If that is in fact what you READ when people upload their free items, then IT IS YOUR PROBLEM.

*Someone bakes a cake, and then leaves it on a table at work.

She hangs around waiting for people to run over, cut the cake, and gush loudly over her generosity.*

Again, that is something YOU are reading into it. It is not proof against others here, it is proof of how YOU YOURSELF think.

*People sit down, eat the cake, and maybe no one even asks who made the cake.

The baker feels slighted and offended because no one thanked her.*

Again, that is something YOU are reading into it. It is not proof against others here, it is proof of how YOU YOURSELF think.

*Or if they know who baked the cake, they say "thanks," and she is offended because they didn't say anything more. Maybe she needed to hear that she's a first class baker.

Maybe the baker expected that people would do some ritual before they started eating the cake. Maybe they were supposed to ask permission first. Maybe she wanted them to read a poem she wrote. Who knows?

She gets offended because they merely sat down to eat the cake, and mumbled thank you between bites.

The baker is offended, and will never share another cake again.*

Again, that is something YOU are reading into it. It is not proof against others here, it is proof of how YOU YOURSELF think.

*That is the attitude that I often see from SOME free stuff contributors

Again, I have said all along that people who receive free stuff should not abuse the givers.*

You have given NO PROOF of this abuse.

Reply to that and stop evading the FACTS. Give FACTS, not opinion, and you will regain credibility.

I am talking about the attitude I see in this thread.

As we SAID, this "attitude" came to be AFTER these freestuff givers were abused. These people were good and happy before someone came along and said they were very bad for trying to share their free stuff in their bandwidth limited way. shock horror gasp

*And here is the link to the freebie item which threatens to take over my computer.

Jemma has the site. It's named DRAGONAYERIE

It doesn't matter if it didn't happen to you.

The invasive maneuvers still exist.

Those kind of popups are not the practice of a reputable web site host.

Those are the kind of popups used by warez people and crooks.*

This does NOT give an example of someone ABUSING users. Again, it is someone hampered by hosting limitations. She didn't come at you and abuse you. You didn't experience those popups until after you decided to take her freestuff offerings. And your assumption that she is among "warez people and crooks" is the height of pressumption.

Someone is offering their freestuff and you accuse them of being a warez kid and a crook! I am gobsmacked!

And yet, there is still no evidence of abuse by freestuff givers BEFORE they were themselves abused.

I didn't really care to get back to this. I know for a fact it would take a huge deal of time and effort to get your to rethink about stuff you have set in your mind. I remember how you came in the first time dictating how people should behave in the forums, which transferred to a thread in c&d where a big number of people finally got you to change your mind and you settled down and bent over backwards to show how well you could get down with them all. I did not participate in those threads but I read them.

And knowing a mind made up when I see one, I wish to leave it at this UNLESS YOU CAN GIVE PROOF.

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a sweet disorder in the dress kindles in clothes a wantoness,
do more bewitch me than when art is too precise in every part