Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Disturbing....quite frankly downright disturbing

gothgurl6669 opened this issue on Feb 25, 2002 ยท 68 posts

creativechaos posted Mon, 25 February 2002 at 9:04 PM

A teacher of mine, a current teacher of mine actually, said in class, if you can find a copy of the software we're using in class, get it by any means, even if that meant "pirated" software, becaue we don't have enough mac labs in our school to go around for every student to use all the time for homework. She isn't saying go pirate it for profit, but for education AND buy it when you have the money. A lot of these programs DO cost 3-400 dollars or more and there is NO way a student can afford to buy all the necessary packages we use. Even the companies that carry educational software only take MAYBE 50 bucks off the retail price. I haven't done this, mind you, I have spent hard earned cash on the educational version of Photoshop and got a MAJOR deal on Poser when the school revamped the graphic design department and decided they didn't need as much as they had (They were having problems with people making "porn" in class and we now can only use it in school under supervision...meaning it's only on front row computers in ONE lab) But when you're talking about Photoshop, Poser, Bryce, Illustrator, In Design, Dimensions, LightWave, and a barrage of other packages we use on a daily basis, you're talking well over a few thousand dollars in software packages. I don't feel that people should STEAL, but for sake of education, I feel students should be able to get somewhat more of a discount. (I'm not saying that is true for EXTRAS and ADDONS mind you, I have picked up things here and there when I had cash from the marketplace and DAZ and am planning on picking up Vicki for myself when I get my taxes back) As for ease of finding things, I can tell you right now there's almost NOTHING I can't find or HAVEN'T found. Temptation to download FREE OF CHARGE is in yer face. Some people can't handle the temptation. I have thought about it, as have most of the people who have posted, but who suffers from that...the makers of the software, the buyers of the software, hell, the entire comunity suffers for it. Not only are legal issues huge, but when you talk about warez kiddies, growing up around the internet,'re talking about me. I have had a computer since the early 80's, have had internet since 14.4 modems were out (we all know how long that was) Even back then people were "giving" stuff away. I know I'm guilty, or was anyhow, but when you stop and think about the reprucussions of the actions, it's just not worth it. Although I do feel that some things are just a LITTLE outrageously priced (C'mon, $1,000 for ONE software package...WHO the hell can afford THAT?? Not us lowly students that's for sure) Anyway, just my two cents, probably doesn't mean a damned thing....but I just find it odd that people keep saying "WAREZ IS WRONG" When my teachers are saying, get it, use it for the semester, delete it when you can afford it...because we NEED it. We're gonna be using it 24-7 when we graduate. Maybe I'm wrong though...

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