Don't use the little hand, or the plus and minus signs when you are in the "Main Camera" view. The hand does not move the camera, nor does it pan it. What it does is move the frame within the field of view already set. Notice that when you move the frame as far to one side as you can with the hand, the imgae becomes distorted. Select the top view and note the camera target in relation to the field of view marker, you will see the marker skewed to one side. To pan, tilt, or dollie the camera in the main camera view (Perspective), use the camera interface on the left side of the frame. The + & - only control the field of view, or focal length and will center the frame on any selected object when used. They do not move the camera. Use the hand and the + & - when you are in the side, front and top views (Orthographic). Select an object and then use the + to zoom directly to that object.