Hi PunkClown, been scratching around in my darkroom. God! I aint been up there for a long while. Anyway I found what I would call a high key print, You only got a bit of it here cus it was a 12 x 16 and would not fit on my flatbed, but I think you see the idea lots of high lights and very little shadow detail. And as promised at no extra charge I scanned the pages from my darkroom book on dodging and burning, hope that this helps. The book is great, a very basic step by step guide to all darkroom processes, if you want to try and get it, its called THE STEP-BY-STEP DARKROOM COURSE by David Kilpatrick and the ISBN number is 0-600-33264-0. Something about that darkroom for a split moment I was thinking negatives, printing paper, sloshing chemicals, 6 hours for one print, It was only for a split second mind you, think I will stick to my computer. :o)
Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.
Salvador Dali