Thanks for the comments..! :)
The technique I'm applying to produce "sliced images" is infact a very simple one: successive copies and pastes...
Let me try to explain how it works...
- Assume that the master image to be sliced is an 800x600 one...
- Though it depends on the image, I found that slices of 30-40 pixels wide are giving the best results. For the virtual image above, as its "x" equals 800, 40 pixels wide slices are appropriate as you can divide 800 by 40 evenly...
- So, I begin selecting my first slice by starting to select at point (0,0), and thus the first selection ends at point (40,600). I copy it and paste it as a new layer on a seperate canvas...
- Then, moving the "selection start" point by x=20 pixels (thus, creating a 20-pixels-wide "phase difference"), I begin selecting the second slice starting at point (20,0), and thus this selection ends at point (60, 600). Then, copy and paste...
- Next selection: (40,0)->(80, 600)...
- So, this iteration goes on like this till the other end of the image...
- Then, on the canvas including the "sliced frames" from the master image, I arrange the slices in line, and then merge them all (flatten)...
- As a summary: for the virtual image described above, I have a virtual frame of 40x600, and starting from the left-most of the picture, I frame a slice of the master image and copy and paste it elsewhere; then I move the frame to right by 20 pixels and copy and paste......
Sorry if it took so long and got complicated, but when using a foreign language, it's quite hard to explain specific things...
Hope it was helpful...