Forum: Community Center

Subject: WARNING--Virus sent from R'osity member

ElectricAardvark opened this issue on Jun 15, 2002 ยท 34 posts

nukem posted Thu, 20 June 2002 at 2:20 PM

Awwwwww... My quoting make boo boo? Nasty pixels! Bad pixels! Alleycat169, if you're going to get bent out of shape over formatted text on a screen, the Internet may not be the place for you. If you react this way to underlines and italics, you'd better steer clear of 133t $pe4k. You'd probably pop a vein and die. Alleycat169 wrote:"then proceded to spend the next three posts dragging it down by picking apart MY posts line by line and commenting on them." This is truly laughable. You bring up points and issues and I'm not allowed to quote them and respond to them? You try to frame my actions in a bad light, make accusations, and finally insult me and you think I'm not justified in responding to clarify my actions, my position and defend myself using your own words made in a public forum as reference? GET REAL. Take responsibility for the consequences of what you say. If you don't like hearing the response, then it's better that you don't say anything at all. Some people are so downright evangelical about the platforms they choose that they feel that it's their purpose in life to set out on crusades to convert the unwashed masses. If you read back over this thread and the other related thread in the Poser forum, you'll see that generally I tended to agree with you on the assessment of the Mac and the problems with Windows. I've even stated that I used and liked the Mac right down to the way it looks. I haven't denied that PCs get more viruses, I didn't disagree with your assessment of Bill Gates and the Evil Empire of Microsoft. But your zealousness completely blinds you, causing you to lash out at even someone who generally shares your point of view even if there are some disagreements on specifics. An extremist attitude is a dangerous one to have, as we are all sadly aware of in the present climate. Alleycat169 wrote: "This is not a Mac vs. PC flame war. We are discussing viruses and how they are spread." "At the point that nukem requested we 'shut it down', we were still very much ON topic." As I've already stated, my real intention was to shut it down in this forum. You suggested we move it to OT forum. It was a poor choice of words and I've already admitted that. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to stand by what I've said... "...we were very much on topic..." Oh REALLY? Is that what that tirade in message #19 was about? Viruses? Could have fooled me... Message #19 was the reason I thought this thing should be moved. I recall something you wrote earlier... "This is not a Mac vs. PC flame war.." For someone who doesn't want this to turn into a flame war, you've made quite a few jabs and taken swipes at PCs in both threads. Message #19 kinda says it all... Your attempts to simply discuss viruses looks more like a holy crusade in disguise. (We all know how well the Crusades turned out for the Christians.) The discussion start with Klez and you take the opportunity to take a few shots at the PC. Shall I remind you of a certain "Yugo/Porsche" comment you made in a Klez thread? It's one of a few... So far, the lion's share of OS pot shots in this thread and the one in the Poser forum belongs to you. I'm not claiming they're completely undeserved or have no basis in fact but you should know that computer users are like sports fans. You take enough pokes at their home teams, however deserved or undeserved, and eventually you are going to start trouble and that serves no one's interests. The truth is that people will use the tools that they're comfortable with, allow them to do what they need to and what they want to within the realm of their personal situation. If anyone switches platforms or adopts new ones, they'll do so when it best suits them and for their own reasons and not just because someone tries to tell them to. Basically to each, his own and live and let live. Alleycat169 wrote: EXACTLY WHY IT IS BETTER TO OWN A MAC! Proclaiming at the top of your lungs that this platform is better than that platform in any online forum where computer users frequent is akin to carrying a lit match into a very dry forest. All that is really produced is a whole lot of flames, a whole lot of smoke, and then you're left with just a whole lot of ash. I don't know how much experience you have with online communities but you should know better than to post flame bait. Years ago, I chose the Amiga over the PC & Mac. Of course, my PC and Mac friends scoffed at the decision. But within a year of owning it, I landed my first contract job as a 2D animator for a video game while I was still in high school. (...the Dragon's Lair home version if that rings any bells.) The Amiga worked out best for me at that time but would I think it'd work best for everyone in any situation? Of course not. I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince everyone that owning an Amiga is right for them because that's up to them to decide. Alleycat169 wrote: If anyone has a Klez or Klev virus, go ahead, send it to me. It will simply bounce off my Netscape mail and end up harmlessly in the trash. Macs, Unix and Linux systems are immune to the vast majority of PC viruses. Klez is no exception. A laughable attempt to justify posting a swipe at me... Man, listen to yourself. You sound like an 8-year old kid! "Klez cannot hurt me Nyaaa nyaa nyaaah! Bounces off of me! Sticks to you!" Geeez... I won't read any response Alleycat posts from this point on. I'm done with this thread. I promise the moderators that I will no longer continue with it. And, unlike Alleycat (who doesn't want to stand by what he/she says), you can quote me on that promise.