Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Clarification of Recent Confusion

chadly opened this issue on Jun 29, 2002 ยท 215 posts

3-DArena posted Sun, 30 June 2002 at 11:09 AM

Oh GAWD Ron, no one is saying you cannot re-distribute cr2 characters - read it!! What you can NOT do is include in those cr2's spawned morphs that come from the non LE versions. So if you use a regular model spin your dials to create your recipe and then move that spawned morph (that you have renamed) to an LE model it is a violation of the distribution rights. You have in essence only moved the morphs from one cr2 to another. Why are you having trouble understanding that the issue is that the morphs were spawned from a cr2 that you are not allowed to distribut morphs from - in any form... If you still don't get this, only DAZ can explain it - and at this point I doubt you will get it. There is no version 1 or 2 of Stephanie either so read the FAQ that pertains to them, they can not be distributed in the same manner as the V1 and M1 it is those two which are the exception - not the rule. Every other mil figure has morphs that may NOT be distributed in ANY form. So "My Marvin character was a cr2, consisting of morphs copied onto the acceptable version of Mike. That is the one that may or may not have been acceptable, since the wording of DAZ's FAQ is murky at best." is illegal because you COPIED the morphs at all! As for your comment about making an informed comment I'm going to do something rare for me Ron - and tell you what I'm thinking. You are a fraggin' idiot! (yes violates TOS so report me - but you distributing copyright material of DAZ also violates the TOS) Unlike those who look down their sharp little noses and patronise others when they don't know what they are doing half the time, I DO know something about copyright laws. I was a law student for corporate law who left law school due to a medical emergency in regards to my pregnancy. I stayed out because I had to take care of my father. I am NOT a lwayer, but I do keep up on it, I would never make an "uninformed" comment in regards to copyright distribution. Unlike you I have ALWAYS had the correct information - I can read a legal document quite easily and that FAQ isn't the slightest bit vague in this instance and was created for a layman to read. If I have ever had any doubts I have called DAZ on the phone and asked (as in the case of Stef and mil kids not having s version 2) so I do know what I am taking about. Unlike you I understand that Stephanie is created from Mike's mesh and therefore her morphs can't be distributed. I understand that the millenium kids are created from vickie's mesh and therefore their morphs can't be distributed. But we all know that only Ronknights knows all and sees all, so if we write it in crayon for you in big block letters will you understand it then?? Frankly I think you do understand it, no one could possibly be this stupid, and you simply enjoy trying to make others look stupid because of a warped belief that it makes you look smarter - tends to backfire.

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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.