Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: DAZ/ the Firestorm.... or no more R'osity??

Jack D. Kammerer opened this issue on Jun 30, 2002 ยท 94 posts

x2000 posted Mon, 01 July 2002 at 7:09 AM

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"I see you attacking people, calling them names, yelling and cussing... why?" Did you actually read the other thread? I don't see my first posts as any of that. I posted the same thing over at PoserPros, too. And how did they react? Russ just blew me off with his little corporate form letter response: "We understand your concerns and feelings on the matter. Thanks for sharing them with us." And then I started getting flamed. In the forum, in IM's, in e-mail... and that's when I went from sad to PISSED! And then you come in here, flame me some more, and pretend you're acting in the best interests of the community? BULLSHIT! You're just another part of the fucking PoserPros lynch mob out to hang any and all detractors. You may not have intended to be, you may not think you are even now, but things look a bit different from the other side, pal. I've seen how far you get with tears and a sad story. Here's the deal: 1. I don't have anything against Russ and Mehndi even now, I'm just really disappointed. I DO have the right to my opinion, don't I? Or did Daz already do away with that? Hell, next fight, we may be on the same side, who knows. But the more you folks flame me, and the more they cheer you on, as Russ did above, the less I think of them. I don't like being blown off (at least not that way;), and I WON'T just sit there and let people poke me in the eyeballs. So you're basically saying "You hit me back first", and that just won't fly. It never would have gone this far without folks like you and VS feeding the fire. Frankly, I'm really tired of the whole god-damned subject. 2. I never said this deal was a bad thing, other than for the fact that PoserPros will not be the same, and that it goes against everything R & M have said in the last few months. Daz is not a site that has also evolved into a store. They are not a part of the community. They ARE a store, period. That's all they do. A Poser Wal-Mart. And being strictly a business, they did not do this for the community, they did it because they saw dollars to be made. That's the only reason any store does anything. There are things that they are NOT going to allow, things that are bad for business. If it hurts the bottom line, it'll be gone. Maybe not right away, but it WILL happen. In the end, people's right to express themselves there will be restricted far more than it EVER has been here. Just wait and see. But, at least until that happens, I'm not saying that people shouldn't go there. I'm not saying *I* won't go there (although with the way I've been treated by the regulars in the past couple of days, I'm not too sure I'll ever feel comfortable, or even welcome, over there again). And I HAVEN'T said that ANYWHERE. Haven't seen anyone else say it, either, so I don't know where the hell you got THAT one from. There's some great stuff over there, and SOME great people. I particularly like the hair modeling forum. That's pretty unique. And another store could be really cool. I've been supporting R & M on that one from the beginning. I just hoped it would be THEIR store and not some damned Daz satellite. 3. I hate to break it to everyone, but Daz is not heaven on earth, it's not some pinnacle to be reached, it's just a friggin store. They don't impress me, and I don't see someone selling off their site, the site they once literally called their "dream", as being any kind of success, or anything deserving congratulations. Condolences is more like it. Simple truth is, they gave up and sold out. Maybe they had reasons other than just dollar signs, I don't know. But it's definitely not party time as far as I'm concerned. ...and that's all their is to it, other than you coming in here and attacking me and Paul, especially since none of this had ANYTHING to do with you. And you WERE attacking us, since no one else fits the bill. Who ELSE could you possibly be referring to? "Then there are what I call the "Warmongers" the individuals who wiggle their way into the Community like snakes and wait for an opportunity to strike and spread their poison." Admit that that was over the top and completely uncalled for and I MIGHT take you seriously. Until then... "I see you attacking people, calling them names, yelling and cussing... why?" Right back at you, bud. You owe me an apology.