WOW !!! Thanks crew.. SerpentGoddess =Umm..How about I wip out a can of SuperCalcaFractalisious ExaustableReferanosious. How about if I tell ya what you wont to know?I will post some after I finish dinner.. Hey !! Ianfe? Umm I don't guess that you will show us some of that Love shattered Symmetrized stuff??? break out the Brittanica.. Are we all still focused on the Serpinsky picture??Uh? didn't they use the Serpinsky math product to help in a design for electrical towers??? Oh yea!!SeanPratz..Have you found any DEM product's for your neck of the woods???I know that the USGS just reformatted most all of the free stuff into a new *.stds format...Bryce does killer dem conversions Bryce even makes the file size way smaller..Like 2.3mb for a 1:24,000 map..Where as I used to have write to file sizes "O" say around 30-400mb???Bryce is a huge difference..