EricofSD opened this issue on Jul 19, 2002 ยท 16 posts
bound4doom posted Sat, 20 July 2002 at 10:52 AM
Electroglyph -- You hit the nail right on the head. In my opinion the original poster is well intentioned... Yet horribly misguided. In his quest for impeckable order his methods are discouraging to new members of this great community. Before I go on... Kindly allow me to reveal a little of my background so as not to be confused with the aforementioned "warez kiddies". I am Senior developer with a decade's worth of experience for a large global corporation (which shall remain nameless) under my belt. I am a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Microsoft Certified Sollutions Develper, A Microsoft Certified Database Administrator, a Sun System Certified Java Developer and a certified trainer in all of the above -- Which means I am certified to teach anyone out there to get their certifications. One could easily come to the conclusion that somebody with the above resume would be justified in placing themselves upon a pedestal and passing judgement upon the less experienced. Yet, for some incomprehensible reason, I do not see the need to badger newcomers regarding their software version or which page of the manual they reached prior to coming here for assistance. Rather.. I prefer to take the time to give each unanswered question proper consideration -- no matter how "newbie-ish" it may appear -- for the simple reason that I firmly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to acquire knowledge via the medium they are most comfortable with. For some this would be by reading a manual... For others the best route to follow is to ask those with the experience required to supply the answers they need. To illustrate the above.. I submit my contributions to the ASP101 forum ( which, as even a casual glance will show, is not designed for experts. It is for beginners -- People that just got done reading their ASP for Dummies book. Do an advanced search for author "Bound4doom". Or you could go to A place where you can award points to people for helping you solve their problems and again look me up. I am the guy sitting there with over 15000 points, you only get 500 points to give to people for answering your questions, that is total you get. You only get more by answering questions and someone awarding them to you. there are other sites out there too I hit, and and so on. The above is not a form of bragging -- though I suppose it could be perceived as such by some -- but, rather, to make my point that even those of us with certificates up the ying yang were newcomers to various aspects of IT at some point and I firmly believe that every one of us that has ever received an encouraging word from a "higher up" should repay the kindness by nurturing the newcomers of today. These communities thrive because people are willing to help and not judge. My contributions are not done for monetary gain since, quite obviously, I do not get paid for it. Most of the time I never even get a thank you. But that is not the reason for my involvement anyhow -- It is something done out of respect for those that came before me and, hopefully, it may encourage the veterans of tomorrow to do the same. Someday I will be a veteran in the world of Bryce. And I will be here answering the questions people have if they have the free trial or not. But I digress.. Yes the original poster is well intentioned -- But we all know where the path paved with good intentions leads, do we not?