Thu, Dec 19, 12:17 PM CST

Renderosity Forums / MarketPlace Showcase

Welcome to the MarketPlace Showcase Forum

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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 17 2:57 pm)

Welcome to the MarketPlace Showcase Forum. The Showcase Forum and Gallery are intended for all commercial related postings by active Renderosity MarketPlace Vendors only. This is a highlight area where our membership is invited to review in greater detail the various art products, software and resource site subscriptions available for purchase in the Renderosity MarketPlace.


Subject: Some Cool Stuff %70 Off

Disciple3d ( ) posted Fri, 02 August 2002 at 12:17 PM · edited Mon, 02 December 2024 at 1:51 AM

Attached Link: Greybro's Entire Store %70 Off

All Items in my Renderosity store are %70 off for as long as I can stand it.

Into Sci Fi characters?


Chavette, Sci Fi Heroin for Stephanie Just Priced@: $6.28


**Old Hard Ass for Michael

Just Priced@: $5.00



** Lt Nielsen Base Character for Michael(exe)or zip version** Just Priced@: $5.00


The ever popular
**Chavez Complete Sci Fi Hero for Michael (exe)or zip version
Just Priced@: $7.78


How about backdrop & background imagery?


Digital Fields

Just Priced@:$5.00


** Secret Place Backdrop Pack**

Just Priced@:$5.08

Check out some 4 mega pixel sweetness. The prices will never, ever be this unbelievably low again.

If you want to up your content game, get schooled to be a pro with Sixus1 Mentoring today!

tonymouse ( ) posted Fri, 02 August 2002 at 12:53 PM

Very cool!! with this sale I can't aford not to pick up several things, I have been going back and forth trying to decide what was going to get from you next. I just got Lt Nielson (love ind recoment it.) With this sale I have every reason to pick up the rest on my list!! Thank you for this chance, I hope it picks up your businss it sure got mine!!! Tonymouse

Disciple3d ( ) posted Fri, 02 August 2002 at 1:14 PM

Thanks dude. The checks inthe mail. Kidding Seriously though, I appreciate your kind remarks and hope you enjoy my stuff. Regards, Brent

If you want to up your content game, get schooled to be a pro with Sixus1 Mentoring today!

Blazerwiccan ( ) posted Fri, 02 August 2002 at 4:57 PM

Sounds great I only hope I can muster up the less then 8 bucks for Chavez before your sale is off. It is not easy being ahousewife with no saveing and to see a sale like this one going on. Wow. Off to try to scrape up money hehe

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