Oh, I didn't know she named the mike tex "brown sugar" as well.... that is confusing. I just went and looked closer at the package images & to me at least, she (vicky) looks more arab(?) than the "typical" afro-american, most likely due to the morphs involved. (Can't think of a more accurate word than typical at the moment, maybe stereotypical instead?) The skin tone does approximate the color of real brown sugar though. I also have a texture package, in the package there are Mat files that change the base colors only, so that they can be used with any map. why? mostly because there are so few tetures of color. Unfortunatly this method tends to "wash out" skin detail. I have being trying to figure out a better way of universally modifying existing textures for skin tones changes. (boy I strayed from my point there, but I'll leave it in anyway) Each mat file is named for foods of color, because locally at least this is how I have always heard people describe different skin tones. Have I ever heard anyone called "white sugar"? No, white sugar is called plain ole sugar, but I have heard a white person described as vanilla, cream, peach, milky etc. generally skin color has always been a food name the only exceptions I can think of is ebony & ivory from the piano keys.