Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: My Stance on Poser 5

Disciple3d opened this issue on Sep 17, 2002 ยท 89 posts

Jackson posted Tue, 17 September 2002 at 8:28 PM

Tirjasdyn: I believe people post periods and commas to bookmark the thread. For the "every program has bugs, doesn't wash with me comment" Not on this scale? And what scale is that? Again I ask for a list of these major bugs in the program, I've only seen one that pertains to everyone and its hardly major. If you don't actually have the program and are listening to the gripes of others who don't have the program, who are you to gripe? Uh, I made the comment you're referring to and I do have P5. If you haven't seen major bugs posted you haven't read back far enough. Go back to the first day it hit. You'll see screen shots and postings from several people. As far as promises, we were promised a "brand new" program "done right." We got an old program done half-a$$ed. ScottA: I have a monstrous machine and still have problems. Heck I even have dual Xeons...oops! Silly me! Oh, and I believe improved resourse management was another of the promises. TalmidBen: "Most of the complaints are adjustment complaints" What makes you say that? Keeping track or it's just your impression? Other P5 No-Matter-What Supporters claim it's because we didn't read the manual. And still others claim it's "inexperience." Which is it? To all I-Will-Defend-P5-No-Matter-Whatites: Please stop trying to pass this off as a normal software release. It isn't. I've never seen such an uproar over any other release in my 18 years dealing with software. Many people don't bich like this without a reason. I know I don't. And, actually much of it is not's trying to find help and answers. People waited three years while CL stalled with promises they didn't fulfill (including DOING IT RIGHT). And we're "whiners" or "inexperienced" when we point out problems and/or complain? To IronBear: Did you really meet The Duke when you were eight? What was it like?