That are the material settings. The UV-scale and UV-offset parameters of the image map let you scale and position the a image in UV-space. With that, I can use a high res tattoo without a giant sized map. The trick is to use a image where all border pixels are white and set image_mapped to none. The original picture was just the tattoo, the scaling and positioning is all done with the UV-settings. The image is then multiplied into the texture. With other images it may be necessary to use a color blend node and alpha map. Beside tattoos this may be useful for other tings like scars, etc. With careful positioning , the UV-scale and UV-offset parameters may also enable us to use alternate high res maps for features like the lips or the eyes of the millenium figures without huge white space around the useful parts. High res eyes and lips with moderate file sizes and without remappig should be possible. By the way: I really like the skin node. Try it out! Stefan