Ok here is an example. After importing Vic into Rhino and making a morph for her chest, we export just the chest as an obj file. Use the settings in the pic. Object name, layer name, and material settings can be unchecked for morphs but will not hurt anything. You will want those checked for other projects. Make absolutely sure "Y Up" is unchecked. This Rhino version of Vic's chest will not be usable in Poser as a morph. It will bring up the "Incorrect number of vertices." error. Import the obj file that we exported from Rhino into Poser (as a prop, not as a morph) with all of the boxes unchecked. Then export it back out with only the "Export as morph" box checked. This new file as it has been exported from Poser will be usable as a morph. This works. I just tested it, and I did not need to use compose at all.