Good evening . . . 8^) I probably shouldn't be posting on this forum right now, my Carrara 2 hasn't arrived yet, ( should be here in the next couple of days ), but I own & use Amapi 6.1 so I thought that since Carrara 2 comes with Amapi 5, I could try to offer some help??? Anyway, I have had the best results with "Booleans" in Amapi 6.1, than other software's that I use. I don't know if you have tried using the Amapi software or not, but maybe you could give it a try for Booleans, then import the object into Carrara 2. It might make a difference??? Just thought I'd offer some kind of help, but if I shouldn't post without making a Carrara post, I will understand, & you guys have a good one . . . Mark. ;^)