Little_Dragon opened this issue on Nov 16, 2002 ยท 30 posts
melanie posted Sun, 17 November 2002 at 10:18 AM
They're beautiful. The irises look like real cat eyes. The only problem I have is that my cats don't show the whites. The iris fills the whole eye, uneless they're looking extremely in a direction, then only a tiny bit of white will show at the corner. Also, the Poser cat's eyes are shaped wrong. Cats eyes are usually almost totally round. At least my cats' eyes are. By black one has eyes that look like huge round saucers. These comments aren't regarding your wonderful texture, Little Dragon, those eyes are gorgeous! It's the Poser cat. They just didn't make him right. It would sure be nice to see a Millennium cat, maybe, what has more realistic features. Melanie