One way could be to use a incident light meter, that is at the moment your camera TTL meter mesusers light reflecting off the subject. If you spot meter of the land that will expose right and the sky will be overexposed, meter off the sky and the land is underexposed. using a incident light meter mesusers the light falling on the subject and should give you good overall exposure, unless you shoot into the sun in which case you should use you camera meter to mesure the exposer, one good use for a incident meter is when there is snow covering the ground, if you use reflective metering your camera would under expose 1 1/2 to 2 stops under and the secne would come out a murky gray mess, where the incident meter would not be fooled and would give you the right exposure. Plus I have started to use Cokin split neutral density filters and they have made a big diffance I used a split neutral density filter and polarizer for this photo
Eggiwegs! I would like... to smash them!