I did the 8-light one right after, too. It works best if the whole thing is y-rotated 30 degrees (and, of course, x-rotated 180). Like the 8 corners of a cube turned at a 45 degre angle. Technically flipped both ways, though it only takes a 1/12 turn to get the same shape as a 1/2 turn since it's in thirds. Yours appears to be only flipped vertically, and not rotated, but that may be just how it looks in that preview. It looks like the top and bottom angles mirror one another. A render of my 8-lite is attached. Angle start 30, angle end 160. Still some hot spots but smoother. I'm thinking of ways to get rid of the hot-spots. What if -- this is just an idea -- what if the intensity were turned up to 800% so that the lights were just really, really bright, but the distance attenuation was dropped to a really small number and the start attentuation distance was dropped to almost zero, so the lights' overlap was effectively no different from the lights' non-overlap, thus making the distance attentuation the only effect... ? I'll try it.